• 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬
  • 223 Clover Street, Worcester, MA 01603
  • (508) 556-0546‬

First Impressions of Haiti

We arrived in Haiti today. From the plane we could see the mountainous terrain divided into irregular farming plots, cut by dirty rivers, and spotted with crowded villages. The drive through Port-au-Prince overwhelmed my senses. There is a distinct smell of rotting vegetables, human and animal waste, and burning plastic. The road is rough and traffic is chaotic. The median of the main road is lined with tents because the safer places are covered with rubble.

As we move into the country, sights become more pleasant, but a closer look reveals struggles here too. The rivers are dirty, the earth is dry, and homes are pitiful. I can’t wrap my mind around the beauty and majesty of soaring mountains and blue seas contrasted with such horrific suffering.